Voting Record

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I am aiming to be the most up to date, accessible, transparent, reliable, visible and hard working councillor in Springfield. I take this responsibility seriously. It is a great opportunity to truly make a positive difference for our community.

Springfield is geographically so close to Winnipeg and Selkirk that there is continued pressure for residential and commercial growth. And while this may be ideal in our urban centres, I support retaining our rural environment and farmlands and would not want to subdivide certain areas that are not designated by our Development Plan. When our water and aquifers, farmland, rural atmosphere or parks maybe threatened, I will stand firm to protect these precious resources.

So far, water protection is just one of many priorities I have heard at the door while campaigning.  Improved roadway ditch clearing, road dust control, taxation control, road conditions/repairs, flood and drainage planning and remediation are all areas of concern that need continued focus and improvement. Services to seniors and sports for our youth are also programs I have a keen interest in. Being active as a Board member for many years on Kin Place and a soccer coach at Cooks Creek Community Centre allowed me to learn different key services in our community.

I aim to be responsive, accessible and a champion on making progress on these issues. Below are just 10 key issues I aim to work towards. (Click the arrows for details!)

Fiscally Conservative

Fiscal responsibility is a top priority. We have all cringed at seeing wasted tax dollars or those perks for politicians. I will scrutinize all fiscal expenditures and aim to ensure we get value for dollars spent on initiatives. We should partner with the public and private sectors when possible and if it is advantageous to the taxpayers of Springfield. I am a fiscal conservative and do not believe throwing tax dollars at an issue will always solve it. Dollars are finite and precious. I would generally not support a tax increase nor support borrowing money unless it was for the betterment of the majority of residents and this was clearly demonstrated. Let’s look for efficiencies and innovations!

No Salary Increase

I will not accept any salary increase either introduced or approved by any newly elected council from day 1 to 2026. In fact, I would prefer to review the salary and lower it as it is substantially higher than most municipalities in Manitoba. Ask why and how this happened? Why during these tough times do more and more precious tax dollars go right into the pockets of elected officials salaries? 

Reporting on Activities / Accountability

I will make a difference by reporting on my activities and council related actions on a monthly basis. Did you know that councillors get assigned/designated or volunteer to attend events or meetings on your behalf, but some give one line reports or very little details! Is this what our tax dollars are paying for? Someone to represent us and bring nothing back for the benefit of Springfield? Surely we can do better! I guarantee I will do better and set the bar higher!

Environmental Leadership

I aim to be the environmental leader on council, bringing my 30 years of learning, knowledge and direct expertise to the table. I am aware of the dangers and risks of flowing with the status quo and I am prepared to ask the tough questions. No, I am not against responsible development or sustainably planned communities. In fact, I am an advocate that we can make communities greener and that there are lots of opportunities continuing to emerge that we as an RM can champion. Our tax base must expand to meet the expectations of ratepayers. New homes, new businesses and new community services are all part of a growing and neighbouring capital region community.

Diplomatic Approach

I am a diplomat by personality. I respect differing points of views and encourage thoughtful debate so perspectives are shared. I will not be arrogant or intimidate anyone.

Fire and Policing is Integral

Fire protection is a priority. Safeguarding human and animal life is paramount. Training and resources are critical for our volunteer fire department. Policing should be reviewed to ensure resources are not duplicated. We don’t want to end up with issues like the former East St. Paul Police Service experienced.

Transparent and Truthful

I know I will earn your trust through time. I will be transparent and open and will be truthful. While many politicians say this, I am driven to be that one who is known for honesty and integrity. 

Visible and Attentive

I believe in engaging those who elect you. At age 21, I was on a City of Winnipeg Residents Advisory Group and that model allowed citizens to provide insight and input to councillors between elections. I was attending the Institute of Urban Studies at the University of Winnipeg and learned from some of the best professors on how to engage residents on urban planning. I won’t disappear or hide between elections. I will keep visible and attentive to concerns in our Ward.

Advocate for our Ward’s Causes

I will aim to attend special events, AGMs and other community oriented activities as these are important fabrics of our community. I want to be an advocate for the uniqueness of our community.

Resolution & Satisfaction

I will always try to resolve a concern you have directly or find a pathway through our municipal staff to assist. I have heard stories of councillors being missing-in-action in past. Some even vacationed for months at a time down south. I have no plans to abandon these important responsibilities.